
<正>重庆一到初冬,全城开启赏彩叶模式。一株株树干配上一丛丛金黄,一片片树叶自带柔光。拿起相机随手一拍,就是一幅美景。在重庆鸿恩寺森林公园,清风再次打翻大自然的调色盘,任色彩在风中碰撞,创作出最雅致的画作。The early winter approaches unwittingly, and the mountainous city is permeated with colored leaves as tree trunks are dotted with golden clusters and glittering leaves with soft light. A picture anywhere unfolds a lovely scene.In Chongqing Hongen Temple Forest Park, as the breeze overturns the pallet again, colors fuse in the wind and create the most elegant paintings.