El vigor temprano es un componente esencial del desarrollo de los cultivos en la mayor赤a de las condiciones ambientales. Sin embargo, no existen suficientes reportes sobre el control gen谷tico del vigor de pl芍ntula en ma赤z. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar los efectos de aptitud combinatoria para variables relacionadas con el vigor en ma赤z bajo estr谷s h赤drico. Se emplearon seis l赤neas endocriadas de ma赤z: tres de ellas con alto porcentaje de germinaci車n y las restantes con bajo porcentaje germinaci車n bajo estr谷s h赤drico. Semillas de las 15 cruzas posibles se evaluaron en condiciones de estr谷s h赤drico en germinaci車n en soluci車n de polientilenglicol 8000 a 1,4 MPa. Se recolectaron datos sobre porcentaje de germinaci車n, longitud de coleoptilo, n迆mero de ra赤ces secundarias, longitud de ra赤z principal y radio radical. La variaci車n debida a las cruzas simples se particion車 en efectos de aptitud combinatoria general (ACG) y espec赤fica (ACE) de acuerdo al m谷todo 4, modelo 1, de Griffing. Las l赤neas 31B y P004 presentaron los valores m芍s altos de ACG. Los caracteres relacionados al vigor fueron controlados principalmente por efectos aditivos; los efectos no aditivos fueron importantes tambi谷n, sobretodo para longitud de cole車ptilo. Early vigor is an essential component of crop plant development under most environmental conditions. Nevertheless, little is known about the genetic control of characters in relation to seedling vigor in maize. The objective of this work was to estimate combining ability effects for characters in relation to seedling vigor in maize under water stress. Six maize inbred lines under drought stress, three with high germination percentage, and three with low germination percentage, were crossed to obtain 15 single crosses. Crosses were evaluated under controlled laboratory conditions in polyethylene glycol 8000 solution (1.4 MPa). Data of the following characters were recorded: germination percentage under drought, coleoptile length, root length, root number and root radius. The general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) information on crosses were obtained by using the method 4, Griffing%26apos;s model I analysis. Inbred lines 31B and P004 showed the highest GCA estimates for the variables evaluated. The characters related to seedling vigor under drought stress were mainly controlled by additive gene effects, although non-additive effects have also shown to be important, especially for coleoptile length.