Fraternities of True Cross were founded in the XIVth century or later in some cities of the Crown of Aragon like X角tiva, Valencia, Zaragoza or Requena. In contrast, a lot of fraternities of Christ*s Blood were born in the XVIth century or later. Both of them were composed by nobles, priests, bourgeoisie and peasants, and were promoted directly by the monarchy and the Church. They were the first fraternities of Passion or Holy Week that we know in Spain. In this article we study the most important ordinances that we find today in the Crown of Aragon, including others records about some relics, subject that has to do with the dedication of these fraternities. Cofrad赤as de la Vera Cruz se fundaron desde el siglo XIV en algunas ciudades de la Corona de Arag車n como X角tiva, Valencia, Zaragoza o Requena. En contraste, muchas cofrad赤as de la Sangre de Cristo nacen en el siglo XVI o m芍s tarde. Ambos tipos de asociaciones estuvieron compuestas por nobles, cl谷rigos, burgueses y labradores, y en muchos casos fueron promovidas directamente por la monarqu赤a o la Iglesia. Son las primeras cofrad赤as de la Pasi車n o de Semana Santa que hubo en Espa a. En este art赤culo estudiamos los textos de ordenanzas hoy conocidos en la Corona de Arag車n, incluyendo otras noticias sobre las diversas reliquias relacionadas con la advocaci車n de estas cofrad赤as.