Several authors allude in their studies to the existence of an ※opera§ composed by the teacher of the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, Buono Chiodi, for the 1773 Holy Year. At this moment it has not been possible to fi nd any track of the music of such a work, consequently we cannot declare on the quality of this one. Despite everything, it*s of supreme interest the libretto appeared recently between the funds of the National Library. For the subject that approaches 〞the Adjournment of the body of Apostle Santiago at the expense of their disciples, from Jerusalem to the current Compostela〞, as well as for the circumstances that surround their premiere in the festivity of the Holy Boss of Spain, supported by the Chapter of Santiago, undoubtedly, it can be considered a manifestation submitted to the cathedral clergy power opposite to other power, civil and religious, of the town. Varios autores aluden en sus estudios a la existencia de una ※車pera§ compuesta por el maestro de la catedral de Santiago de Compostela Buono Chiodi, para el A o Santo de 1773. Hasta la actualidad no ha sido posible hallar ning迆n rastro de la m迆sica de tal obra, por lo que no podemos pronunciarnos sobre la calidad de la misma. Pese a todo, es de sumo inter谷s el libreto, recientemente aparecido entre los fondos de la Biblioteca Nacional. Tanto por la tem芍tica que aborda 〞la Traslaci車n del cuerpo del Ap車stol Santiago desde Jerusal谷n a Compostela〞 como por haber estado auspiciado su estreno por el Cabildo de Santiago, sin duda, puede considerarse una obra al servicio del poder del clero catedralicio frente a otros poderes, civiles y religiosos, de la ciudad.