The light unflavoured meson η/η’ decays are valuable for testing non-perturbative quantum chromodynamics and exploring new physics beyond the Standard Model. This paper describes a series of event generators, including η/η’→γl+l-, η/η’→γπ+π-, η’→ωe+e-, η→π+π-π0, η/η’→π0π0π0, η’→ηππ andη’→π+π-π+π-/π+π-π0π0, which have been developed for investigating η/ηdecay dynamics. For most of these generators, their usability has been validated in BESIII analyses for determining the detection efficiency, and background studies. The consistency between data and Monte Carlo shows that these generators work well in the BESⅢ simulation, and will also be useful for ongoing BESⅢ analyses and other experiments for studying η/η’ physics.
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