
A study was conducted on 70 embryo/ foetii of goats to observe the descent of testis. These foetii were grouped into I (0-30 days), II (31-60 days), III (61-90 days), IV (91-120days) and V (121 days up to term, having 14 embryos/ foetii in each group. The genital ridge was observed at 1.2cm CRL (23 day) on the ventromedial aspect of mesonephros. At 42nd day, the genital ridge developed into cylindrical structure, the testis, located in the middle of metanephros. The abdominal migration was completed upto 88th day. The testes were situated in the inguinal canal from 89th to 95th day. From 90th day onward, scrotal migration had been observed, however the testis did not reach the base of the scrotum up to term. During the descent of testis, a peritoneal fold detached from the caudal end of the gonad and extended up-to the abdominal floor on 42nd day, known as gubernaculum. In the initial stages of pregnancy it was thin, whitish, jelly like. On 70th day it was enveloped by processus vaginalis. In group V, it became hardened, longer and cord like. Para observar el descenso de los test赤culos se realiz車 un estudio en 70 embriones/fetos de cabra. Estos fetos se agruparon en 5 grupos: I (0-30 d赤as), II (31-60 d赤as), III (61-90 d赤as), IV (91 120 d赤as) y V (121 d赤as hasta t谷rmino, con 14 embriones / fetos en cada grupo. La cresta genital se observ車 a 1,2cm CRL (23 d赤as) en la cara ventromedial del mesonefros. En el d赤a 42 d赤a, la cresta genital se convirti車 en estructura cil赤ndrica y los test赤culos se encontraban en el centro del metanefros. La migraci車n abdominal se complet車 en 88 d赤as. Los test赤culos est芍n situados en el canal inguinal entre los 89 y 95 d赤as. Del d赤a 90 en adelante, se observ車 la migraci車n escrotal, sin embargo, el test赤culo no lleg車 a la base del escroto hasta el t谷rmino del desarrollo. Durante el descenso de los test赤culos, a los 42 d赤as, un pliegue peritoneal (gubernaculum testis) separado del extremo caudal de la g車nada, se extendi車 hacia el suelo-abdominal. En las etapas iniciales de la pre ez la g車nada era delgada, blanquecina, gelatinosa. En el d赤a 70 el test赤culo fue envuelto por el proceso vaginal. En el grupo V, el test赤culo se hab赤a endurecido y alargado asemej芍ndose a una cuerda.
