
O umbuzeiro pode ser propagado assexuadamente, mas poucas informa es se tem de que a esp谷cie pode ser propagada por estaquia. Diante disso, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes concentra es de AIB (芍cido indolbut赤rico) e do Raizon 05 no enraizamento de estacas herb芍ceas e lenhosas de umbuzeiro. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental em bloco ao acaso, com quatro concentra es de AIB (0; 500; 1000 e 2000 mg L-1) e uma de Raizon 05 e dois tipos de estacas (herb芍cea e lenhosa). As estacas foramtratadas com Metiltiofan (Thiophanate methyl a 0,05% i.a.) por um minuto, em seguida foram imersas nas solu es de AIB por dez minutos ou em contato com Raizon 05 . Realizou-se o plantio em tubetes pl芍sticos contendo vermiculita m谷dia. O material permaneceu em telado com 50% de redu o de luz, com nebuliza o intermitente. As vari芍veis analisadas foram: porcentagem de sobreviv那ncia, enraizamento e massa seca das ra赤zes. Pode-se concluir que: as estacas lenhosas apresentaram melhores resultados em rela o 角s estacas herb芍ceas para a sobreviv那ncia; o maior percentual de enraizamento foi verificado em estacas herb芍ceas com a aplica o de 500 mg L-1 de AIB, proporcionando33,33% de estacas enraizadas. The umbu tree can be propagated assexually, but few information are had that the species can be propagation by cutting. The objective of the present research was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of IBA (indolbutiric acid) and Raizon 05 in the rooting of cuttings herbaceous and hardwoody of umbu tree. The experimental design used was block at random, with four concentrations of IBA (0; 500; 1000 and 2000 mg L-1) and one of Raizon 05 and two types of cuttings (herbaceous and hardwoody). After the treatment of the cuttings with Metiltiofan (Thiophanate methyl a 0,05% i.a.) for one minute, these were immersed in the solutions of IBA by ten minutes, or in contact with Raizon 05 , soon afterwards took place the planted in plastic tubets containing medium vermiculite. The material was transported for greenhouse with 50% oflight reduction with overhead irrigation of the type under intermittent mist, with intervals of 5 minutes and duration of 10 seconds. The analyzed variables were: rooting percentage and surviving cuttings and mass of the matter dries of the root. It can be ended that: the woody cutting presented better results in relation to the herbaceous cuttings for the survival; the percentage largest of rooting was verified in herbaceous cuttings with the application of 500 mg L-1 of IBA, providing 33.33% of rooted cuttings.
