
作者:Candace Moberly; 景一
来源:中学生英语, 2019, (11): 10-11.


<正>My day in the sun had arrived—my magnum1 opus2 would be revealed. I had just delivered a memorized speech that I had prepared for weeks, and I was about to learn how the panel3judged my performance. A hush fell across the room. The drum rolled in my mind, anyway.我在阳光下的日子已经到来——我的杰作即将揭晓。我刚刚做了一场准备了好几个星期的演讲,马上就想知道评审小组是如何评价我的表现的。房间里一片寂静。无论如何,鼓声已经在我头脑中敲响了。