Qualidade de vida de pacientes portadores de insufici那ncia renal crˋnica em tratamento de hemodi芍lise

作者:Higa; Karina; Kost; Michele Tavares; Soares; Dora Mian; Morais; Marcos Cesar de; Polins; Bianca Regina Guarino
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2008.


objective: to analyze the quality of life of patients with chronic renal insufficiency undergoing dialysis treatment. methods: a quantitative research carried out in a dialysis service clinic in campinas, sˋo paulo state, through the analysis of patients%26apos; general identification data and application of the whoqol-brief questionnaire, divided in four domains: physical, psychological, social, and environment. twenty subjects were randomly chosen and analyzed. results: male (75%) and female (25%) patients, most patients in the age group 40 - 60 years, undergoing dialysis treatment, with lower index for 20 to 40 year-olds. the analysis of the domains showed that the patients dealt better with the psychological aspects when compared to the other analyzes aspects (physical, psychological, and environment). conclusion: the best results, concerning psychological and social domains, regard the belief in the cure for the chronic renal insufficiency through a renal transplant, providing patients with confidence in the dialysis process.
