Este estudo objetivou avaliar o efeito de simbi車tico sobre desempenho,rendimento de carca a e qualidade da carne de aves. Dois experimentos foram realizados, com 800 aves em cada, distribu赤das em quatro tratamentos: f那meas e machos suplementados (grupos MC e FC) ou n o (grupos MS e FS) com simbi車tico na ra o inicial. Os resultadosmostraram que a suplementa o de simbi車tico na ra o inicial aumentou significativamente o consumo m谷dio de ra o dos machos na fase final do primeiro experimento e das f那meas na fase de crescimento do segundo experimento. Os machos n o-suplementados mostraram maior consumo de ra o na fase de crescimento do segundo experimento. No primeiro experimento, a suplementa o de simbi車tico melhorou a convers o alimentar de ambos os sexos. Quanto ao rendimento de carca a, os resultados n o mostraram diferen as significativas entre os tratamentos em ambos os experimentos. Observou-se maior peso depeito para o grupo MC e maior rendimento de peito no grupo FC. A composi o qu赤mica e os parametros sensoriais da carne n o foram afetados pela suplementa o. Assim, conclu赤mos que a adi o de simbi車tico, na ra o inicial das aves, pode melhorar a convers oalimentar das aves, mas n o influencia as caracter赤sticas de carca a e sensoriais da carne. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of symbiotics on the performance, carcass yield and meat quality of poultry. Twoexperiments were conducted, with 800 broilers in each, distributed in 4 treatments: female and males supplemented (MC and FC groups) or not (MS and FS groups) with symbiotic in the initial feed. The results showed that the supplementation in the initial period significantly increased the feed intake in males during the final period of the first experiment, and in females during the growth period of the second experiment. The nonsupplemented males showed greater feed intake in the growth period of the second experiment. In the first experiment, the supplementation with symbiotic improved the feedconversion on males and females. As for carcass yield, the results did not show significant differences among the treatments in both experiments. Greater breast weight was observed in the MC group, with greater breast yield in the FC group. The chemical composition andsensorial meat parameters were not affected by supplementation. Therefore, we can conclude that addition of symbiotic in the initial feed of chickens may improve the feed conversion of chickens, but weight gain, but do not influence carcass characteristics orsensorial parameters of meat.