The experiment aimed to study the influence of the aquatic plants E. najas, P. stratiotes and S. auriculata on the predation of P. mesopotamicus larvae by P. flavescens. One hundred and twenty larvae of P. mesopotamicus and 24 larvae of P. flavescens were placed in 24aquariums with capacity of 12 L, with one Odonate per aquarium. Treatments were different regarding the species of aquatic plants E. najas, S. auriculata and P. stratiotes, with one control treatment without aquatic plants. One aquarium (12 L) containing one Odonate and 30 P. mesopotamicus larvae was considered one experimental unit. After 18 hours, the Odonates were removed from the aquariums and fish larvae left (alive) were counted in each experimental unit. The survival rate of P. mesopotamicus larvae in the treatment without aquatic plants (control) was significantly lower than in the treatmentwith E. najas. However, the survival rates in the aquariums with floating aquatic plants did not differ from the control. The morphological characteristics of E. najas promoted higher structural complexity in the environment, offering more protection to the fish larvae, and increasing their survival. We concluded that the presence of the submerged aquatic plant E. najas promoted the reduction of predation of P. mesopotamicus larvae by Pantala flavescens. O experimento teve como objetivo estudar a influ那ncia de macr車fitas aqu芍ticas na preda o de larvas de peixe P. mesopotamicus por larvasde P. flavescens Foram utilizadas 720 larvas de P. mesopotamicus e 24 larvas de P. flavescens, distribu赤das em 24 aqu芍rios com volume 迆til para 12 L, sendo colocada uma larva de Odonata por aqu芍rio. Os tratamentos diferiram quanto 角 esp谷cie de macr車fita E. najas (E),S. auriculata (S) e P. stratiotes (P) sendo mantido um tratamento controle (C) sem macr車fitas. Um aqu芍rio contendo uma larva de Odonata e 30 larvas de P. mesopotamicus foi considerado uma unidade experimental. Ap車s 18 horas do in赤cio do experimento, as Odonatas foram retiradas dos aqu芍rios e foi realizada a contagem das larvas de peixe remanescentes (vivas) em cada unidade experimental. A taxa de sobreviv那ncia das larvas de P. mesopotamicus no tratamento sem macr車fita (controle) foi significativamente menor quando comparada aotratamento contendo a macr車fita submersa E. najas. Entretanto o valor de sobreviv那ncia nos aqu芍rios com macr車fitas flutuantes n o diferiu do controle. As caracter赤sticas morfol車gicas da E. najas promoveram uma maior complexidade estrutural no ambiente, gerando um maior numero de abrigos para as larvas de peixe, aumentando assim a