Emprego da submucosa de intestino delgado na correˋˋo de estenose esof芍gica em cˋes

作者:Souza Filho; Zacarias Alves de; Greca; Fernando Hintz; Duda; Joo Ricardo; Cravo; Guilherme Zicarelli; Ioshii; Sergio Ossamu
来源:Acta Cirurgica Brasileira, 2004.


purpose: the objective of the present study is evaluating the efficiency of porcine small intestinal submucosa (sis) as graft in the managemant of stenotic cervical esophagus lesions in dogs. methods: twelve dogs were submitted to resection of an eliptic (3,5x2,0 cm) portion of the anterior esophagus wall followed by cotton suture repair. three months later stenosis were confirmed by esophagogram. next, scar tissue formed was ressected followed by sis patch placement. two months after the procedure new esophagogram was performed. esophageal width was measured at the proximal and middle third portions, before and after the sis patch placement. animals were sacrified, and esophagus were sent for histological examinations. results: no fistula or infection were found. microscopic analysis revealed complete mucous membrane regeneration, discrete inflamatory reaction and moderate vascular proliferation. esophageal width was enlarged in 70% of studied animals (43% ㊣ 13%) (p = 0,2135). proximal measurement increased from 0,76cm to 0,95cm; no significantly change occurred at the medial portion. conclusion: sis proved to be reliable graft reapair for canine esophageal stenotic lesions. it integrates to the esophageal wall and adequately replaces it.
