En este trabajo se pretende aportar una breve descripci車n y algunas reflexiones sobre la historia de la com迆nmente llamada %26quot;reforma%26quot; psiqui芍trica en Navarra. La intenci車n no es exponer datos num谷ricos (y mucho menos exhaustivos), sino m芍s bien destacar los acontecimientos que han sido claves en dicha reforma, y quiz芍 proponer alguna ligera interpretaci車n sobre el esp赤ritu que ha sustentado los cambios. Sin duda, habr芍 un grado de subjetividad en la elecci車n de los aspectos tratados aqu赤 y existieron otros dinamismos y acciones muy influyentes. La elecci車n ha sido motivada por la consideraci車n de lo que he tenido m芍s pr車ximo, aquello a lo que he prestado mayor atenci車n y, por supuesto, lo que ha parecido relevante. La bibliograf赤a citada tampoco pretende recoger todo, ni siquiera todo lo importante, sino aquello que ha servido de apoyo en este texto. This article provides a brief description and some reflections on the history of what is commonly called the psychiatric %26quot;reform%26quot; in Navarre. The aim is not to set out numerical data (and much less of an exhaustive character), but rather to emphasise the key events of that reform, and to perhaps offer an interpretation of the spirit that underlay the changes. Without doubt, there will be a degree of subjectivity in the choice of the aspects dealt with here and there are other dynamics and actions that are very influential. The choice has been motivated by consideration of what I have been closest to, what I have been most concerned with, and, of course, what has seemed most relevant. Nor does the cited bibliography attempt to be exhaustive, nor does it contain all the important works, only those that have served to support this text.