A model to explain the angular distribution of J/Ψ and Ψ(2S) decay into ■ and ■

作者:M.Alekseev; A.Amoroso; R.Baldini Ferroli; I.Balossino; M.Bertani; D.Bettoni; F.Bianchi; J.Chai; G.Cibinetto; F.Cossio; F.De Mori; M.Destefanis; R.Farinelli; L.Fava; G.Felici; I.Garzia; M.Greco; L.Lavezzi; C.Leng; M.Maggiora; A.Mangoni; S.Marcello; G.Mezzadri; S.Pacetti; P.Patteri; A.Rivetti; M.Da Rocha Rolo; M.Savrié; S.Sosio; S.Spataro; L.Yan
来源:Chinese Physics C, 2019, 43(02): 31-36.


BESⅢ data show a particular angular distribution for the decay of J/Ψ and Ψ(2 S) mesons into ■ and Σ0Σ0 hyperons: the angular distribution of the decay Ψ(2 S) →Σ0Σ0 exhibits an opposite trend with respect to the other three channels: J/Ψ→■, J/Ψ→Σ0Σ0 and Ψ(2 S) →■. We define a model to explain the origin of this phenomenon.