The Castilian monarchy promulgated, between 1494 and 1511, one series of ordinances with which to regulate and to improve the textile production. These laws were seeking to increase the technical quality of the cloths. For it, one entrusted the control of the production for the guilds organizations of the principal cities. Which faced for the above mentioned control the big producers, who were claiming forms of organization of capitalist character, which they could not implant due to the limitations imposed by the royal laws. That of this form did that the trade-union system of textile production was kept in force during the whole Modern Age. La monarqu赤a castellana promulg車, entre 1494 y 1511, una serie de ordenanzas con las que regular y mejorar la producci車n textil. Estas leyes buscaban aumentar la calidad t谷cnica de los pa os. Para ello, se encarg車 el control de la producci車n a las organizaciones gremiales de las principales ciudades. Las cuales se enfrentaron por dicho control con los grandes productores, que pretend赤an formas de organizaci車n de car芍cter capitalista, que no pudieron implantar debido a las limitaciones impuestas por las leyes reales. Que de esta forma hicieron que el sistema gremial de producci車n textil se mantuviese vigente durante toda la Edad Moderna.