Following recent developments in adaptation studies, which tend to interrogate the intertextual relations between the written and the visual, this article analyses Rabbit-Proof Fence (Noyce, 2002), in terms of the complex intertextuality which brings it together: the source-book, Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence (1996) by Doris Pilkington-Garimara; the Bringing Them Home (1997) report, about the forced separation of Aboriginal children from their families; the texts and political action for national reconciliation in Australia, and finally, the biographies and participation of the young actors and their indigenous communities. All contribute to the visual transfer and articulation of a film in which the interweaving of history and art is a constitutive element. Siguiendo el desarrollo reciente de los estudios sobre adaptaci車n, que tienden a interrogar la relaci車n intertextual entre el medio escrito y el cinematogr芍fico, este art赤culo analiza la pel赤cula Generaci車n robada (Noyce, 2002), destacando la compleja intertextualidad que la compone: el libro que constituye el texto-fuente, Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence (1996) de Doris Pilkington-Garimara; el informe Bringing Them Home (1997) sobre la separaci車n forzada de ni os abor赤genes; los textos y actos pol赤ticos de la reconciliaci車n nacional australiana y, finalmente, las biograf赤as y la participaci車n de las actrices abor赤genes y sus comunidades. Todos ellos contribuyen a la traslaci車n visual y la articulaci車n de un film en el que la imbricaci車n entre historia y arte es un elemento constitutivo.