Estudo anatˋmico das v芍lvulas do tronco gastrocn那mio em cad芍veres humanos

作者:Arago; Jose Aderval; Reis; Francisco Prado; Figueiredo; Luis Francisco Poli de; Miranda Junior; Fausto; Pitta; Guilherme Benjamin Brando
来源:Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, 2007.


background: valves are characteristic structures of veins and are important to guide blood flow. their presence in the superficial venous system of lower limbs has been well studied. however, there is a lack of published literature on deep veins, such as the gastrocnemius vein. objective: to carry out an anatomical study of the veins in the main gastrocnemius trunk in adult human cadavers. methods: the main gastrocnemius trunks of 80 gastrocnemius muscle heads of 20 adult cadavers were dissected. the cadavers were males, aged between 40 and 68 years, and fixed in 10% formaldehyde solution. trunks and net types were classified according to aragˋo et al.%26apos;s proposal. the valves were studied as to quantity, distribution, location and type with regard to trunk, leg, muscle head and type of gastrocnemius net. results: of 80 gastrocnemius muscle heads, there were 95 main gastrocnemius trunks, and 17 were duplicated. there were 65 valves in 60 gastrocnemius trunks, all of them bicuspid: 35 in type i net, 23 in type ii and seven in type iii net. valves were located in the proximal third of the main gastrocnemius trunk in 74% of cases. conclusion: valves were found in all net types that had main gastrocnemius trunk. these valves were bicuspid and predominantly located in the proximal third of main gastrocnemius trunks.
