ˋExiste Modelamiento Profesional de los Estilos de Aprendizaje?

作者:Suazo Galdames; Ivan; Precht Gandarilla; Andrea; Cantin Lopez; Mario; Zavando Matamala; Daniela; Sandoval Marchant; Catherine
来源:International Journal of Morphology, 2010.


the identification of learning styles has been a permanent teacher preoccupation, showing how each student learns and studies, allowing to modify the design and implementation of learning processes, making them more effective in training a health professional. the present study analyzed the differences of the learning styles in a group of students in kinesiology measured in the first and last years of his career. we designed a descriptive exploratory longitudinal quantitative study by applying the questionnaire learning styles honey-alonso (chaea) on kinesiology students, universidad de talca. a first analysis of learning styles was conducted on 48 students the first half of his career in 2003 and then a second analysis in 38 of these students in the latter half of his career in 2007. t test for related samples was used to establish its significance. the students had all learning styles. the prevalence was higher in reflexive style, then theoretical, pragmatic and finally active styles. preferences for reflexive, pragmatic and active learning styles had no significant differences between the years 2003-2007. only the theoretical style increased their preferences in 2007. our research highlights the importance of identifying the ways students study and learn during the early years of his career, this information may be used to develop methodological strategies that promote the acquisition of better skills.
