
Verificou se a influ那ncia da semeadura direta, convencional e quatro plantas de cobertura na condutividade hidr芍ulica saturada, infiltra o, reten o, armazenamento de 芍gua e potencial m芍trico em um Latossolo Vermelho de cerrado cultivado com milho, na Unesp deIlha Solteira, Estado de S o Paulo. Utilizouse o delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, no esquema em faixas com parcelas subdivididas, com 4 blocos. As parcelas foram constitu赤das pelas plantas de cobertura: Mucuna aterrima, Pennisetum americanum,Crotalaria juncea e Cajanus cajan e 芍rea de pousio, e as subparcelas pelos sistemas de semeadura direta (SD) e convencional (SC). Nas camadas de 0,00,10 e 0,100,20 m nas tens es entre 6 e 100 kPa, a SC obteve maior armazenamento de 芍gua no solo; apesar da SC (0 0,20m) apresentar maior armazenamento de 芍gua, comparado 角 SD, o mesmo foi menos eficiente em disponibilizar 芍gua 角s plantas; a SD apresentou maior uniformidade de distribui o de 芍gua no perfil do solo. This research work studied the influence of notillage, conventional tillage and four ground cover plants on the saturated hydraulic conductivity, infiltration, retention, storage of water and matricpotential in a DARKRED LATOSOL under cerrado, cultivated with maize. The study was conducted at Unesp of Ilha Solteira, State of S o Paulo. A completely randomized design was used with subdivided parcels (randomized block design), with five treatments and fourrepetitions. The parcels were constituted of the following ground cover plants: Mucuna aterrima, Pennisetum americanum, Crotalaria juncea, Cajanus cajan and an area of spontaneous vegetation. As for the parcels subdivisions, the systems of soil management implemented were notillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT). In the layers of 0.00.10 and 0.100.20 m, for tensions between 6 and 100 kPa, the CT system made the soil achieve greater water storage. Although CT (0 每 0.20 m) presented greater water storage compared to the NT, the same was less efficient in making the stored water available to the plants. The NT presented greater uniformity of water distribution in the profile of the soil.
