A case of Sluder’s syndrome in a female patient,aged 56 years old,suffered from intermittent headache for over 20 years.The therapeutic methods include acupuncture with filiform needle mainly applied to the acupoints on governor vessel,foot-shaoyang meridian and foot-yangrning meridian,the external application of Wuzhuyu(吴茱萸 Fructus Evodiae) on Yongquan(涌泉 KI1),as well as the pricking and bleeding method with the three-edge needle on Touwei(头维 ST8).The alliance of these three therapies co-act on promoting the circulation of shaoyang and yangming meridians and governor vessel and have obtained an satisfactory clinical effect.After treated for 5 weeks,the symptoms all disappeared completely,such as headache,vertigo and discomfort on eyes and they were not recurred in 1-year follow-up.
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