Avaliaˋˋo do hiperinsulinismo em amostra de crianˋas pr谷-puberes

作者:Mieldazis; Stephanye Felicye Armecy; Azzalis; Ligia Ajaime; Junqueira; Virginia Berlanga Campos; Souza; Fabiola Isabel Suano; Sarni; Roseli Oselka Sacardo; Fonseca; Fernando Luiz Affonso
来源:Jornal de Pediatria, 2010.


objectives: to determine the relationship between body mass index (bmi), homeostasis model assessment - insulin resistance (homa-ir) and insulinemia. methods: this was a prospective cross-sectional observational study of 132 prepubescent schoolchildren residents in the municipality of santo andr谷, brazil. children underwent anthropometric assessment, their glycemia and insulinemia were measured and their homa-ir index calculated. results: seventy-eight of the 132 children (59.1%) were girls and 54 were boys (40.9%), with a mean age of 8.7 years and mean bmi of 13.7 kg/m2. a significant positive association was detected between homa-ir and bmi, insulin and bmi, weight and homa and between insulin and weight. it was also found that the higher the bmi, the greater the homa score. conclusions: the results of this study allow for the conclusion that there is a strong association between hyperinsulinism and obesity. measures should be taken to avoid weight gain during childhood and adolescence.
