An芍lise sensorial do leite humano ordenhado e sua carga microbiana

作者:Novak; Franz R; Junqueira; Ana R; Dias; Manuela de S P C; Almeida; Joo A G
来源:Jornal de Pediatria, 2008.


objective: to verify the existence of a relationship between presence of off-flavor and microorganism load in quality control rejected samples of expressed human milk from a donor milk bank. methods: a total of 30 samples of expressed human milk with off-flavor were tested for the occurrence of the following microorganisms: aerobic mesophilic, psycrotrophic, proteolytic, psycrotrophic proteolytic, thermoduric, psycrotrophic thermoduric, lactate and lipolytic bacteria, molds and yeasts and staphylococcus aureus, total coliforms and thermophilic coliforms, in accordance with official methods. results: percentage occurrence of microorganisms was as follows: aerobic mesophilic = 80%; psycrotrophic = 36.7%; proteolytic = 46.7%; psycrotrophic proteolytic = 16.7%; thermoduric = 6.7%; psycrotrophic thermoduric = 0%; lactate bacteria = 50%; lipolytic = 10%; molds and yeasts = 6.7%; s. aureus = 30%; total coliforms = 53.3%; and thermophilic coliforms = 16.7%. conclusion: a consistent relationship between presence of off-flavor and elevated microorganism counting was observed in the analyzed samples. this correlation highlights the importance of off-flavor research during selection and quality control processes in human milk banks.
