Seleˋˋo de 赤ndices para o diagn車stico do estado de nitrog那nio de batata-semente b芍sica

作者:Moreira; Marialva Alvarenga; Fontes; Paulo Cezar Rezende; Cecon; Paulo Roberto; Araujo; Roberto Fontes
来源:Acta Scientiarum - Agronomy, 2011.


the objective of this study was to select indexes for the diagnosis of nitrogen status of basic seed potato planted in pot and to determine the critical value of each index. the indexes, determined in the fourth leaf (qf) and old leaf, at 60 days after planting, were: green intensity (determined by color chart and spad), area, length, width, leaflet numbers, fresh and dry weight, n-no3 contents in the petiole sap and n in the dry matter. three experiments were set in pot containing substrate in a greenhouse, at university federal of viˋosa. in each experiment it was utilized one propagation material as tuber seed, mini-tuber and sprout and were evaluated six nitrogen rates (0, 25, 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg dm-3), being 10% of each rate applied at pre-planting time and the remainder was daily applied via irrigation water for 30 days. each experiment was set in randomized block design with four replications. the final tuber harvest occurred when the plant was completely senescent. spad index, n-no3 contents in the sap and dry matter in the qf significantly correlated with plant n contents and reached different critical values depending upon the propagating material.
