
La enfermedad cardiovascular es la causa m芍s frecuente de mortalidad en los pa赤ses desarrollados y constituye un grave problema social, econ車mico y sanitario. Aunque existen muy diversas t谷cnicas 迆tiles para diagnosticar las enfermedades card赤acas, con frecuencia es preciso realizar m芍s de una prueba para llegar a un diagn車stico concreto. La resonancia magn谷tica es una t谷cnica inocua, bien tolerada y segura que actualmente se encuentra disponible en la mayor赤a de los centros hospitalarios. Esta t谷cnica permite estudiar en una 迆nica exploraci車n la anatom赤a del coraz車n y valorar de forma cualitativa, semicuantitativa y cuantitativa los par芍metros de funci車n card赤aca. Es 迆til para el estudio de las enfermedades valvulares, miocardiopat赤as y de la enfermedad peric芍rdica. Aporta informaci車n de la anatom赤a y funci車n card赤aca y vascular en las cardiopat赤as cong谷nitas complejas. Adem芍s, con la administraci車n de contraste intravenoso, permite conocer la viabilidad mioc芍rdica en la cardiopat赤a isqu谷mica. Por tanto, la resonancia magn谷tica card赤aca se perfila como una de las t谷cnicas m芍s prometedoras para el estudio de la patolog赤a card赤aca cong谷nita y adquirida. Oncohaematological patients present a high incidence of infections, which are one of the principle causes of morbility and mortality. There are different types of immunodepression related to the disease, the moment of its evolution and the treatment received. For practical purposes we will distinguish between patients with severe neutropenia, those with some alteration to humoral immunity and, finally, cellular immunodeficiencies. There are no immunodeficiencies associated to each disease, instead several immunitarian deficiencies can be associated in a single clinical entity. Neutropenic patients, generally with acute leukaemias and following intensive chemotherapy, have bacterial and fungal infections conditioned by the intensity and duration of the neutropenia. In the case of patients with humoural immunodeficiency (multiple mieloma, chronic lymphatic leukaemia, splenectomised) there are frequent infections by encapsulated germs. When there is cellular immunodepression (Hodgkin*s disease, advanced chronic lymphoproliferative symdromes, treatment with glucocorticoids, analogues of the purines and treatment with monoclonal antibodies) the risk of infection by opportunist germs is conditioned by the reduction of the figure of CD4 lymphocytes. We review the different strategies of prophylaxis and treatment in each of the situations.
