Non-Medical Uses of X每Rays

作者:J Jalal Shokouhi; A A Ameri; A A Khadem; R Hamvatan
来源:Iranian Journal of Radiology, 2005.


Introduction %26 Background: Deep and eminent pene-trance of x每ray, makes it useful and applicable in ra-diography and CT scanning of paintings, art pieces, ceramics, automummies, and even metal and glass objects especially in the field of archeology. In the world, 2 types of automummies have been described: ice-man and soap-man, whereas in Iran in addition to these, another rare kind of mummy namely salt-man, has also been discovered. Four salt-men have been identified till now. Patients %26 Methods: In winter of 1993, the first salt man was discovered. The first salt man%26apos;s age was measured by carbon 14 to be 1700每1800 years which dates back to the powerful Sasanian emperor era ap-proximately 200 to 300 years before Islam. Radiogra-phy, 2D- and 3D-CT, high energy weighted spectros-copy, genetic analysis, microbiology and histology evaluations, carbon 14 studies, and DNA finger print-ing were done for him. Thin layer chromatography of his cloths colors, rare element assessment, archeol-ogy, metallurgy, and sociology investigations where also employed. Whereas the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th salt-men are under investigation by means of x-ray and CT scan the polymer specimen is under study to be syn-thesized by the S.L.A machine. Results: This investigation proposes the precious role of x-ray in radiology of artifacts, handicrafts and ar-cheology. Conclusion: In this way valuable museums are en-riched by cultural and historical remnants of previous powers and authority and this inspires the tourism industry with magnificent and splendid masterpieces of ancient civilizations. Preserving and recognizing them also helps to promote anthropological knowl-edge.
