Estudos de adaptaˋˋo do Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III para avaliaˋˋo de aspectos psicopatol車gicos da personalidade no Brasil

作者:Rocha; Hannia Roberta Rodrigues Paiva da; Sousa; Heloisa Karmelina Carvalho de; Alchieri; Joo Carlos; Sales; Eleni de Araujo; Alencar; Joo Carlos Nascimento de
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria, 2011.


objectives: to translate and adapt the millon clinical multiaxial inventory-iii (mcmi-iii) for use in brazil, testing the changes performed in the original scale. method: 538 participants answered the mcmi-iii, the goldberg general health assessment and a social demographical questionnaire specifically designed to this research. then, respondents were divided into clinical and non-clinical groups, and their answers%26apos; patterns were compared considering different social demographic characteristics. results: significant statistical differences in answer patterns were found in most scales when clinical and non clinical groups were compared. conclusion: this study confirms the ability of the mcmi-iii to discriminate different groups, consistent with the instrument validity based his theoretical foundations.
