based on the report of two cases, we aim to highlight the presentation of immature condyloma or atypical papillary immature metaplasia (aim) as well as the difficulties in its cytological detection, histopathological classification and accurate interpretation of results. the colposcopic and cervicographic characteristics of the immature condyloma were related to its histopathological features and the colposcopic standard of acuminated condyloma. cytopathological exam results were negative or presented atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ascus). in one case, a hybrid capture test for human papillomavirus (hpv) was carried out, what identified viral types of high and low grades. the study concluded that: 1) immature condylomas may be identified by means of colposcopic or cervicographic exam, and may be preceded or followed by a cytological diagnosis for ascus or hpv detection using molecular test; 2. histopathological characterization of these lesions as low grade avoids unnecessary surgical treatment.