Tausch*s goatgrass, Aegilops tauschii (Coss.) is one of the most troublesome weeds in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) producing areas of Yellow River valley of China. The effects of environmental factors affecting seed germination and seedling emergence were evaluated in laboratory and greenhouse experiments. The germination of Tausch*s goatgrass seeds occurred at temperatures ranging from 0 to 40oC, with optimum germination attained between 15 and 25oC. Tausch*s goatgrass seed is rather tolerant to low water potential and high salinity stress as germination was 70% and 65% at osmotic potentials of -1.7 MPa and salinity level of 400 mM, respectively. Medium pH and light have no significant effect on seed germination. Highest emergence (%26gt;80%) occurred from depths of 1 to 3cm, but no seedlings emerged when burial depth reached 8cm. Knowledge of germination biology of Tausch*s goatgrass obtained in this study will be useful in predicting the potential distribution area and developing effective management strategies for this species.