Relato de caso de leucemia de c谷lulas pilosas

作者:Brito Junior; Lacy Cardoso de; Barbosa; Suane Reis; Frances; Larissa Tatiane Martins
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2011.


hairy cell leukemia (hcl) is a rare type of b-cell non-hodgkin%26apos;s lymphoma. the clinical symptoms include splenomegaly, pancytopenia, and lymphocytosis. studies on its carcinogenesis reveal association with exposure to agricultural chemical agents. the objective of this study was to report the case of a male patient, tractor operator, diagnosed with hcl, pancytopenia, cutaneous lesions, without splenomegaly and positive markers for b-cell lymphocytes (cd19, cd20, cd22, cd79b, cd23, lambda, immunoglobulin m [igm], cd25 and cd103). although hcl is a rare disease, late diagnosis may ultimately lead to severe complications and patient%26apos;s death.
