
Se estudia la importancia del formato IMRYD -Introducci車n, M谷todos, Resultados y Discusi車n- para la organizaci車n del art赤culo cient赤fico entre los investigadores y profesores de mercadeo y organizaci車n de empresas. Con vistas a identificar qu谷 aspectos consideran m芍s importantes en esta estructura, se interrog車 a 143 catedr芍ticos de las 芍reas referidas. Una vez informatizados los datos recogidos, se aplic車 el modelo de Rasch para determinar los aspectos considerados como los m芍s importantes por el grupo de expertos consultados. Los especialistas consultados se alaron un total de 20 aspectos como los m芍s relevantes para evaluar la calidad de un art赤culo cient赤fico. Finalmente, a partir de lo indicado por los expertos consultados, se conform車 una gu赤a para la lectura cr赤tica de los art赤culos cient赤ficos en las 芍reas del mercadeo y la organizaci車n empresarial. The importance of the format IMRYD -Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion- for the organization of the scientific article among the investigators and professors of marketing and businesses organization is studied. 143 professors of the referred areas were interviewed in order to know which are the aspects considered by them as the most important in this structure. Once the collected data were computerized, Rasch%26apos;s model was applied to determine the aspects chosen as the most significant by the group of experts consulted. These specialists indicated a total of 20 aspects as the most relevant to evaluate the quality of a scientific article. Finally, from the aspects mentioned by the experts consulted, a guide for the critical reading of the scientific articles in the areas of marketing and business organization was made.
