The author analyses the composition of the households of three prominent families of the Castilian high nobility that possessed large seigneurial estates in the North West region of Castile, near the border with the kingdoms of Arag車n and Navarra: the Arellano family, counts of Aguilar, the Mendoza family, counts of Monteagudo, and the De la Cerda family, dukes of Medinaceli. He gives information about the social and geographic origin of the members of these households, and he proves that these noble families were interested in the incorporation to their households of influential members of the oligarchies of the royal towns of the region, especially of the town of Soria. Se analiza la composici車n de las casas de tres linajes de la alta nobleza que poseyeron extensos estados se oriales en la regi車n nororiental de Castilla, fronteriza con Arag車n y Navarra: los Arellano, condes de Aguilar, los Mendoza, condes de Monteagudo, y los De La Cerda, duques de Medinaceli. Se da cuenta del origen social y geogr芍fico de los integrantes de dichas casas, y se demuestra que estos linajes de alta nobleza mostraron inter谷s por incorporar a sus casas miembros influyentes de los grupos gobernantes de las ciudades realengas del entorno, en especial de la ciudad de Soria.