
With the rapid development of the distribution network, the network lines show situations of short lines and many nodes. This results in a small difference of the short-circuit current, difficult cooperation of conventional current protection schemes and prolonged fault clearing time. In order to solve the above problems, first, the existing problems of multi-stage feeder protection are analyzed, and the protection configuration and setting scheme of length and short-length hybrid lines are analyzed. A new current protection scheme based on a superconducting fault current limiter for a multi-stage feeder is proposed. The protection scheme uses the fast input of a fault current limiter and current limiting characteristics to realize the differentiation of short circuit current between upstream and downstream lines. Thereby, new principles of protection setting and operation time coordination are constructed to shorten the fault clearing time. A multi-stage feeder distribution network model based on the PSCAD/EMTDC for simulation verification is built. The results show that the proposed protection scheme can solve the problems of conventional current protection setting value coordination failure and long protection action delay.