Alimentaˋˋo do rec谷m-nascido ap車s alta hospitalar de uma Instituiˋˋo Amiga da Crianˋa

作者:Vivancos; Raquel Bosquim Zavanella; Leite; Adriana Moraes; Furtado; Maria Candida de Carvalho; Goes; Fernanda dos Santos Nogueira de; Haas; Vanderlei Jose; Scochi; Carmen Gracinda Silvan
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2008.


objective: to characterize how babies are fed during their hospital stay and after hospital discharge from a baby-friendly health care institution, using indicators proposed by the world health organization. methods: this investigation was performed 30 days after the binomial%26apos;s discharge, through a telephone interview with the puerperal woman. data from medical records constituted secondary sources of information. results: it was observed that, even though newborns had come from these institutions, some of them were weaned early from breastfeeding. conclusion: some factors were shown to be associated to weaning in the studied sample, such as the small percentage of binomials placed in skin-to-skin contact and early suction, mothers who smoked, the use of pacifiers and the use of dairy complements during the hospital stay.
