dowling-degos disease (ddd) is a rare genetic disease of the skin (reticulate pigmented anomaly), clinically characterized by flexural brown pigmented reticulate macules, comedo-like papules on the back, neck and pitted perioral or facial scars. we present the case of a 51 year-old man with macrocomedo-like lesions, pitted scars, cysts, hyperpigmented macules in his back, chest, axillae, neck, groin and face. the patient reported having two children, three brothers and a father with a similar condition. the histopathology of the skin biopsies was very characteristic of dowling-degos disease, showing dilated follicular, fingerlike projections called rete ridges (dermal pegs), with thinning of the suprapapillary plates, resulting in an %26quot;antler-like%26quot; pattern and increased pigmentation of the basal layer.