
作者:Dang Zhi; Yao Qian; Li Xiao-Fei; Chen Kai; Yi Xiao-Yun; Lu Gui-Ning; Guo Chu-Ling
来源:Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, 2020, 39(1): 1-11.


The input of acid mine drainage (AMD) not only increases the content of heavy metals and changes the physicochemical property of soil obviously, but also results in changes of the soil microbial community and the formation of new minerals (jarosite, schwertmannite, metallic sulfide mineral, etc.). All these will cause changes on the species distribution of heavy metals. The geochemical behavior and bioavailability of heavy metals depend much on their species distribution in soil. As a result, the mechanism of heavy metal species distribution changing in heavy metals polluted soils of mining areas is one of the most important basic scientific problems. This study discussed geochemical mechanisms of heavy metal species distribution alterations in contaminated soils under influences of AMD from perspectives of the change of soil composition, migration path and kinetics of heavy metals in different forms and so on. The review would provide a theoretical basis for understanding the environmental behavior of heavy metals in soils of mining areas and the remediation of heavy metal contaminated soils. ? 2020 China Association for Science and Technology.