
(the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation and fertilization on initial growth and post-transplant of seedlings of five native woody species from southern brazil). this study assessed the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (amf) inoculation and application of different doses of fertilizer on initial growth and post-transplant seedlings of five native woody species from south brazil: croton urucurana baill. (euphorbiaceae), senna macranthera (collad.) h.s. irwin %26 barneby (caesalpiniaceae), anadenanthera colubrina (veil.) brenan (mimosaceae), bastardiopsis densiflora (hook. %26 arn.) hassl. (malvaceae) and bauhinia forficata link (caesalpiniaceae). the experiment was set up as a 3x2 factorial, with three fertilization levels, with or without amf inoculation. for six months in the nursery, data were collected on vegetative growth, inoculation response and colonization by amf. the roots showed medium to high mycorrhizal colonization (54-77%), but low arbuscular formation (3-9%). the low response to inoculation among plant species was related to substrate characteristics, which were considered inadequate for ideal development of the mycorrhizal association. plants growing in substrate with greater mineral addition gave the bestresults in the nursery, regardless of amf inoculation. after six months growing in the field, plants of the basic substrate treatment showed a relative growth rate significantly higher than the fertilized ones. after six months in the field, survival rate was 3 to 30% higher for seedlings that grew without fertilization and were inoculated with amf when compared to those without inoculation. for most of the species, the combination of inoculation and fertilization did not afford positive results in seedling field survival.
