
The macroscopic anatomy and vascularization of the stomach compartments of Bradypus torquatus were examined in five animals from the University of S o Paulo College of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechny collection. The method included aqueous perfusion of the arterial network, colored latex injection, fixation in formaldehyde (10%) and preservation in Laskovisk solution. Dissections were performed under mesoscopic light and photo documentations were performed for description and data analysis. In these animals, the largest abdominal organ was the stomach, which internally presented the cardiac, fundic and prepyloric regions, subdivided in six compartments (cardiac right, middle and left; fundic; pre-pyloric I and II). The stomach was irrigated by the left gastric and celiac arteries, which are ventral visceral branches of the abdominal aorta. These arteries emerged in the retroperitoneal region and reached the viscera through the mesogastric region, distributed in the large and small stomach curvatures, in the spleen and the pancreas. The primary collateral branches of the left gastric artery are directed to the large stomach curvature, and the celiac artery irrigated the spleen, the pancreas and the small stomach curvature. The vascular pattern differed in some aspects from that observed in the other multi-cavity stomachs of recent vertebrates. Fue descrita la anatom赤a macrosc車pica y vascularizaci車n de los compartimientos del est車mago en 5 Bradypus torquatus, animales pertenecientes al acervo de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia de la Universidad de S o Paulo - Brazil. El m谷todo incluy車: perfusi車n acuosa de la red arterial, inyecci車n de l芍tex coloreado, fijaci車n en formaldehido (10%) y conservaci車n en soluci車n de Laskovisk. Para la descripci車n y an芍lisis de los datos se realizaron disecciones bajo mesoscop赤a de luz y archivos fotogr芍ficos. Los animales presentaron el est車mago como la v赤scera abdominal m芍s abundante, que posee internamente las regiones: cardiaca, f迆ndica y pre-pil車rica, subdivididas en seis compartimientos (cardiaco, derecho, medio e izquierdo; f迆ndico; pre-pil車rico I y II). Estaba irrigado por las arterias g芍stricas izquierda y celiaca, que son ramas viscerales ventrales de la parte abdominal de la aorta. Estas arterias emerg赤an en el retroperitoneo y a tr芍ves del mesogastrio alcazaban las v赤sceras distribuy谷ndose en la gran y peque a curvatura del est車mago, bazo y p芍ncreas. Las ramas colaterales primarias de la arteria g芍strica izquierda estaban destinadas a la gran curvatura del est車mago y los de la arteria cel赤aca irrig
