
Bacteria from shrimp farm effluents in Kino Bay, Sonora, M谷xico were evaluated during the 2008 production cycle. The culturable bacterial populations considered were viable heterotrophic bacteria (VHB) and Vibrio-like bacteria (VLB). In addition, total bacteria (TB), metabolically active bacteria (MAB), nitrifying bacteria (NB), and ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) were quantified by epifluorescence microscopy. Three sampling sites were established in the influence area of drain and one control site far from the discharge area. Average concentrations of VHB and VLB were 103 and 102 CFU mL-1, respectively. The TB ranged from 107 to 109 cells mL-1. The mean values of Mrelated to TB counts in the affected area were higher throughout the culture cycle compared to the control site, ranging from 1.09 to 27.35%. These results indicate that effluents modify the natural loads of bacteria in the discharge area, which could affect natural populations and the microbial balance of the area.
