Factors that Influence Customers* Buying Intention on Shopping Online

作者:Yulihasri Eri; Md Aminul Islam; Ku Amir Ku Daud
来源:International Journal of Marketing Studies, 2011.


On-line commerce through Internet is gaining attention from students today. The aim of this research is to study the factors influencing student*s buying intention through internet shopping in an institution of higher learning in Malaysia. Several factors such as usefulness, ease of use, compatibility, privacy, security, normative-beliefs and attitude that influence student*s buying intention were analyzed. Respondents who were selected are studying in a public institution of higher learning in Penang, Malaysia. Based on theory of reasoned action (TRA), the technology acceptance model (TAM) concluded that there are two salient beliefs which are ease of use and usefulness. This theory has been applied on the study to adopt technology user different and has been emerged as a model in investigation to increase predictive power. Such theory was used in this study to explain students* buying intention on-line. Besides the ease of use and usefulness, others factors such as: compatibility, privacy, security, normative beliefs and self-efficacy are utilized at this TAM. The results support seven hypotheses from nine. Compatibility, usefulness, ease of use and security has been found to be important predictors toward attitude in on-line shopping.
