DD proton spectrum for diagnosing the areal density of imploded capsules on Shenguang Ⅲ prototype laser facility

作者:滕建; 张天奎; 伍波; 蒲昱东; 洪伟; 单连强; 朱斌; 何卫华; 卢峰; 温贤伦; 周维民; 曹磊峰; 江少恩; 谷渝秋
来源:Chinese Physics B, 2014, 23(07): 544-548.


The primary DD proton spectrum is used for diagnosing the fuel-shell areal density ρR of imploded capsules on Shenguang III(SG-III) prototype laser facility for the first time. A charged particle spectrometer(CPS) with a CR39nuclear track detector is used to measure the DD proton spectrum. The proton spectrum is determined from both the proton track and its size. A typical proton energy peak shift from 3.02 MeV to 2.6 MeV is observed in our experiment, which yields a maximum ρR larger than 6 mg/cm2.