
A rare case of unilateral third head of sternocleidomastoid muscle was noted during routine dissections for undergraduate medical students. The additional third head originated from the middle third of the clavicle and joined the normal two heads (sternal and clavicular) of the muscle in the middle of the neck. The insertion and nerve supply of the muscle was normal. This case may be important for head and neck surgeons and for plastic surgeons doing muscle graft surgeries. Un caso raro de una tercera cabeza unilateral del m迆sculo esternocleido-mastoideo se observ車 durante disecciones de rutina para los estudiantes de medicina de pregrado. La tercera cabeza adicional se origin車 en el tercio medio de la clav赤cula y se uni車 a las dos cabezas normales (esternal y clavicular) del m迆sculo en el medio del cuello. La inserci車n y e inervaci車n del m迆sculo fue normal. Este caso puede ser importante para los cirujanos de cabeza y cuello y para cirujanos pl芍sticos que realizan cirug赤as de injerto muscular.
