Italian Ryegrass (Lolium perenne) Control and Winter Wheat Response to POST Herbicides

作者:Grey Timothy L*; Cutts George S III; Sosnoskie Lynn; Culpepper A Stanley
来源:Weed Technology, 2012, 26(4): 644-648.


Field studies were conducted to evaluate Italian ryegrass control and winter wheat tolerance to applications of diclofop, mesosulfuron plus methylated seed oil (MSO) alone or with 30% urea ammonium nitrate (UAN), mesosulfuron plus thifensulfuron plus tribenuron plus MSO, mesosulfuron plus MCPA plus MSO, or flufenacet plus metribuzin. Treatments were applied to wheat PRE, two- to three-leaf wheat (2-3 LF) at Feekes stage 1.0 or to one- to two-tiller wheat (TILL) at Feekes stage 3.0, depending on label recommendations. Studies were conducted in Williamson, GA, and Plains, GA, from autumn 2003 to spring 2005. Italian ryegrass control was variable, depending on location and year. Maximum and most-consistent Italian ryegrass control (%26gt; 90%) occurred with mesosulfuron plus MSO and UAN. Without UAN, control of Italian ryegrass with mesosulfuron varied from 44 to 97%. That variability was partially attributed to unfavorable environmental conditions associated with cold night time temperatures at or below 0 C, following applications. Wheat injury observed in response to herbicide treatments was minimal (%26lt; 15%) and transient; wheat recovered with no differences in yield.