
objectives: to describe a multidisciplinary partnership experience between public and private agencies that provide care for hiv positive pregnant women, and to characterize the risk factors for hiv among pregnant women who were participating in the project %26quot;zero vertical hiv transmission%26quot; in the district of sorocaba. methods: a retrospective study was conducted using records of 120 pregnant women who participated in the project between 1998 and 2004. a form was used to gather demographics and risk factors for hiv. results: partnership between the public and private agencies was an efficient alternative to provide better care for hiv positive pregnant women. however, the majority of women (56.7%) was not aware of their partner hiv status and almost three fourths of them (73.3%) had never used contraceptive devices. conclusion: the partnership between the public and private agencies contributed to the reduction of hiv vertical transmission in sorocaba, sp.
