Versˋo em portugu那s do Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire: estudo da validade e reprodutibilidade

作者:Moreira; Graciane Laender; Pitta; Fabio; Ramos; Dionei; Nascimento; Cinthia Sousa Carvalho; Barzon; Danielle; Kovelis; Demetria; Colange; Ana Lucia; Brunetto; Antonio Fernando; Ramos; Ercy Mara Cipulo
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 2009, 35(8): 737-744.


objective: to determine the validity and reproducibility of a portuguese-language version of the chronic respiratory questionnaire (crq) in patients with copd. methods: a portuguese-language version of the crq (provided by mcmaster university, the holder of the questionnaire copyright) was applied to 50 patients with copd (70 ㊣ 8 years of age; 32 males; fev1 = 47 ㊣ 18% of predicted) on two occasions, one week apart. the crq has four domains (dyspnea, fatigue, emotional function, and mastery) and was applied as an interviewer-administered instrument. the saint george%26apos;s respiratory questionnaire (sgrq), already validated for use in brazil, was used as the criterion for validation. spirometry and the six-minute walk test (6mwt) were performed to analyze the correlations with the crq scores. results: there were no significant crq test-retest differences (p %26gt; 0.05 for all domains). the test-retest intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.98, 0.97, 0.98 and 0.95 for the dyspnea, fatigue, emotional function and mastery domains, respectively. the cronbach%26apos;s alpha coefficient was 0.91. the crq domains correlated significantly with the sgrq domains (-0.30 %26lt; r %26lt; -0.67; p %26lt; 0.05). there were no significant correlations between spirometric variables and the crq domains or between the crq domains and the 6mwt, with the exception of the fatigue domain (r = 0.30; p = 0.04). conclusions: the portuguese-language version of the crq proved to be reproducible and valid for use in brazilian patients with copd.
