Com o objetivo de avaliar os potenciais produtivo e gen谷tico de clones de batata-doce, visando 角 sele o de materiais gen谷ticos mais produtivos, com caracteres que facilitem o manejo, foi desenvolvido um experimento, no ano de 2007, composto por nove clones e duas variedades, no delineamento em blocos casualizados, com tr那s repeti es. Avaliaram-se seis caracter赤sticas da parte a谷rea e quatro das ra赤zes. O clone 6 obteve a maior produtividade de raiz comercial, com 12,08 t ha-1. Os clones 8, 14 e a variedade Rainha Prataapresentaram as maiores produtividades de fitomassa da parte a谷rea, com 5,42; 5,17 e 5,83 t ha-1, respectivamente. O clone 11, al谷m de produzir 9,08 t ha-1 de raiz comercial e 4,02 t ha-1 de fitomassa da parte a谷rea, apresentou tamb谷m comprimento e diametro do entren車 favor芍veis 角s pr芍ticas de manejo. As produtividades de raiz comercial e as de fitomassa da parte a谷rea al谷m do comprimento do entren車 apresentaram as maiores 2G s e 2 sE , CVG, h2 e 赤ndice de varia o (b) favor芍veis para se obter ganhos gen谷ticos satisfat車rios com asele o. Dessa forma, os clones 6 e 11 apresentam caracter赤sticas interessantes a serem exploradas por t谷cnicas seletivas nas futuras etapas de melhoramento dessa cultura. With the objective to evaluate the yield and genetic potential of sweet potato clones, aiming at the selection of more productive genetic material, with traits that facilitate tillage, an experiment was conducted in 2007, composed of nine clones and two local varieties, in a completely randomized block design with three replications. Six traits of the shoot and four traits of thestorage roots were evaluated. Clone 6 had the highest marketable root yield, with 12.08 t ha-1. Clones 8, 14 and the ※Rainha Prata§ variety had the highest shoot phytomass yield, with 5.42, 5.17 and 5.83 t ha-1, respectively. Clone 11, in addition to producing 9.08 t ha-1 of marketable root and 4.02 t ha-1 of shoot phytomass, also featured favorable internode length and diameter for the practice of tillage. Marketable root and shoot yield and the length of internode presented the highest and favorable 2G s and 2sE , CVG, h2 and variation index (b) to obtain satisfactory genetic gains from the selection. Thus, clones 6 and 11 presented interesting traits that could be exploited by selective techniques in future stages of breeding program of this culture.