
La recuperaci車n de informaci車n surgi車 como campo del conocimiento independiente en 1950. El contexto social y filos車fico en que se enmarca tiene una singular influencia en la naciente ciencia y determina la orientaci車n de sus presupuestos te車ricos y pr芍cticos. La relaci車n bipolar sociedad-ciencia en este caso, provee un sentido y una gu赤a que permite analizar y responder a inc車gnitas epist谷micas inherentes al per赤odo de g谷nesis de la recuperaci車n de la informaci車n, as赤 como a su posterior desarrollo. The information retrieval appeared in 1950 as a field of independent knowledge. Its philosophical and social context has a singular influence on the rising science and determines the orientation of its practical and theoretical assumptions. In this case, the bipolar society-science relation provides a sense and a guide that allows the analysis of and response to unknown epistemic questions inherent to a period of genesis of the information retrieval, as well as to its further development.
