Tratamento endovascular de hemorragia p谷lvica ap車s trauma fechado: desafio terap那utico

作者:Sa Junior; Jernimo de Azevedo e; Diogenes; Pedro Coelho Nogueira; Diogenes; Carlos Newton Nogueira; Rocha; Francisco Eduardo Siqueira da; Landim; Rodrigo Machado; Almeida; Lailma; Thiers; Marianna Mendona de Almeida
来源:Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, 2011.


a 16-year-old male patient sustained pelvic blunt trauma followed by an abscess formation of the psoas muscle and other infectious complications. open drainage of the retroperitoneal abscess resulted in massive hemorrhage that was temporarily controlled by packing. after endovascular treatment by embolization of branches of the hypogastric artery, the hemorrhage was definitively controlled. packs were removed and the patient was discharged with no further complications.
