
morphological and anatomical features of rhizomes and roots were studied in tillandsia crocata (e. morren) baker, t. gardneri lindl., t. geminiflora brongn., t. mallemontii glaziou ex mez., t. linearis vell., t. lorentziana griseb., t. recurvata l., t. stricta soland. ex sims., t. streptocarpa baker, t. tenuifolia l. and tillandsia sp. they are epiphytes. the rhizomes are horizontal and present intracortical roots. they present uniseriated epidermis or storied cork; cortex with isodiametrical cells, idioblasts with raphide-sacs, and starch grains; uniseriated endodermis presenting thin-walled cells; uniseriated or multiseriated pericycle with thin or thick-walled cells; vascular cylinder presenting collateral vascular bundles. the adventitious roots are intracortical or external. the latter have multiseriated velamen; presenting idioblasts with raphide-sacs, cortical intercellular spaces, exodermis with thick-walled cells; uniseriated endodermis with thin or thick-walled cells; uniseriated pericycle with thin-walled cells; reduced vascular cylinder. the intracortical roots differ of the external ones for the lack of velamen. most of these adaptative anatomical features might be related to the epiphytic habit of these plants.
