
1930 marked the arrival of the fi rst of four manuscripts that make up the ※Fons Verd迆§ to La Biblioteca de Catalunya. Later in 1934, Higini Angl豕s relocated to Verd迆 (province of Lleida). Here he took from the Church fi les, the remaining manuscripts that from part of the ※Fons Verd迆§. The knowledge brought by Angl豕s and David Pujol, as well as the relocation document containing music and its consequent entrance into the Biblioteca de Catalunya. Today presents us with various questions through an analysis of existing information. They want to examine a number of questions which came about as a result of the mentioned recolocation. [ca] L*any 1930 es registra l*entrada a la Biblioteca de Catalunya del primer dels quatre manuscrits que conformen el ※Fons Verd迆§. Posteriorment, el 1934, Higini Angl豕s es trasllada a Verd迆 (prov赤ncia de Lleida), d*on extreu de l*arxiu parroquial la resta de manuscrits dit fons. El coneixement que d*aquest fons es tenia tant per part d*Angl豕s com de David Pujol, a la vegada que el trasllat de la documentaci車 musical i la seva entrada a la Biblioteca de Catalunya, ens presenten avui dia diversos interrogants. Amb l*an角lisi de la informaci車 existent es pret谷n aportar una mica de claror a las diferents q邦estions sorgides en dit trasllat.
