Tratamento de linfocele inguinal p車s-operat車ria com injeˋˋo de cola de fibrina: relato de caso

作者:Boaventura; Priscila Nunes; Sobreira; Marcone Lima; Yoshida; Winston Bonetti; Rollo; Hamilton Almeida
来源:Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, 2007.


the patient developed lymphatic drainage in the right groin after an aortobifemoral bypass with dacronˋ graft. conservative treatment with local wound care and compression was unsuccessful. duplex scan showed a 6.4 x 3.36 x 6.1 cm lymphocele, which was treated by aspiration and injection of fibrin glue (1.6 ml). the patient recovered uneventfully and without recurrence after a 3-month follow-up.
